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    Q&A | The ABCs of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

    Jeff Rowe discusses the key characteristics of asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), as well as its benefits and risks. 

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | July 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | July 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | July 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | June 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | June 2024

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | June 2024

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    Special Report | The Federal Reserve and Rates in 2024

    By understanding the Fed's role in our economy, investors can better decipher some news stories and understand how they influence rates.

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | May 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | May 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | May 2024

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    Q&A | The ABCs of Commercial Paper

    Jeff Rowe discusses the key characteristics of commercial paper, as well as its benefits and risks.

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    Q&A | Endowment Trends in Higher Education

    Floyd Simpson and Mallory Sampson discuss recent trends around endowment management in the evolving higher education space. 

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | April 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | April 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | April 2024

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    InvestEd | China, Deglobalization and Global Fragmentation for Institutional Investors

    We explore various datasets to see if there is evidence of a reversal in globalization and the potential impacts for multi-asset class portfolios.

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    InvestEd | Liability-Driven Investing for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

    LDI can help reduce the risks of unexpected plan contributions and undesirable balance sheet volatility by better matching plan assets with plan liabilities.

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | March 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | March 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | March 2024

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    InvestEd | To Sell or Not to Sell Bond Portfolios

    The current interest rate environment has caused investors to contemplate selling existing portfolios to replace with similar investments at today’s high yields.

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | February 2024

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    Special Report | Is a Recession in the Cards

    While our base case remains a soft landing, we explore the possibility of a recession in 2024 and whether it would be mild or a more severe economic downturn. 

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | February 2024

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | February 2024

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    Q&A | How PFM Asset Management Gives ‘Something Extra’ with CIO Outsourcing Services

    Jim Link discusses why clients are increasingly opting to outsource the role of chief investment officer.

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | January 2024

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    Q&A | Potential Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Financial Services Industry

    Floyd Simpson and Emiline Jacobs discuss artificial intelligence and its future in the financial services industry. 

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | January 2024

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | January 2024

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    Fixed Income Monthly Market Review | December 2023

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    Audio Version: Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | December 2023

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    Multi-Asset Class Monthly Market Review | December 2023

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    InvestEd | Effective Board Governance for Endowments, Foundations and Not-for-Profits

    We discuss some considerations for boards that can help lead to more effective governance.

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    Special Report | Our Thoughts on a Potential Government Shutdown

    The federal government’s fiscal year closes on September 30 and the U.S. once again faces the prospect of a federal government shutdown.

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    U.S. Bancorp Asset Management names Marc Ammaturo head of OCIO distribution

    The business anticipates growth for its Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) division.

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    Q&A | Agency Commercial Mortgage-Back Securities

    James Sims discusses the potential benefits and risks of agency commercial mortgage-backed securities (agency CMBS or ACMBS).

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    InvestEd | Our Views on Alternative Strategies and Investments

    In this final segment of a multi-part investment education series, Biagio Manieri discusses our views on alternative strategies and investments.

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    InvestEd | Our Views on the Manager Selection Process

    In this fourth segment of a multi-part investment education series, Biagio Manieri discusses our views on the manager selection process.

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    InvestEd | An Overview of Our Asset Allocation Process

    In this third segment of a multi-part investment education series, Biagio Manieri discusses our views on proper asset allocation.

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    Special Report | Update on the Debt Ceiling

    PFMAM offers our thoughts on the continued developments with the U.S. Debt Ceiling.

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    Special Report | 2022 NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments Results

    Our Endowments & Foundations National Practice discusses the results of the 2022 NACUBO-TIAA Study of Endowments (NTSE).

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    InvestEd | Developing Our Capital Market Assumptions

    In this second segment of a multi-part investment education series, Biagio Manieri discusses our process for developing our Capital Market Assumptions.

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    Client Announcement | Update Regarding Silicon Valley Bank

    On Friday, March 10, California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed. We continue to closely monitor this developing situation and its market impact.

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    Perspectives Podcast | 60/40 Portfolios

    We sat down with two members of PFMAM's Multi Asset Class Business to talk about the 60/40 portfolio and its place in today's market environment.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Effective Governance During Periods of Volatility

    We discussed the importance of having effective governance plans and strategies during periods of economic volatility.

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    Special Report | Our Thoughts on the Debt Ceiling

    While the debt limit has been a source of great debate in recent years, its origins are rooted in compromise and efficiency. 

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    Sector in Focus | Positive Arbitrage_Its Back

    Earning positive arbitrage becomes more likely as interest rates rise, an upward trend we’ve seen since mid-2022.

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    U.S. Bancorp Asset Management names Jim Link head of PFMAM's OCIO division

    U.S. Bancorp Asset Management has named Jim Link as head of its institutional Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) practice.

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    InvestEd | Our Multi-Asset Class Investment Philosophy

    In the first segment of a multi-part investment education series, Biagio Manieri discusses our multi-asset class investment philosophy. 

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    Q&A | Does the 60/40 Portfolio Still Make Sense?

    Floyd Simpson and Don Grant discuss if maintaining a 60/40 portfolio is logical, given the recent volatility in the capital markets and elevated inflation levels.

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    Q&A | More Effectively Communicating Negative Returns to Stakeholders

    Recent market volatility has caused most fixed-income investors to experience significant unrealized losses.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Strategy Session: Endowments and Foundations

    Mallory Sampson and Matt Smith discuss how Endowments & Foundations should navigate the current market environment.

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    Perspectives | Supranationals: A World of Opportunity

    Investors may want to look beyond traditional U.S. government securities to examine the additional opportunity that supranational bonds can offer.

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    Special Report | Federal Reserve Announces its Latest Interest Rate Hike

    The Federal Open Market Committee announced a 50-basis point increase in the federal funds rate.

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    InvestEd | Effective Governance During Periods of Volatility

    With the world in a seemingly constant state of flux, increased volatility has led to increased uncertainty.

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    Perspectives | Cryptocurrency Basics - From An Investor Perspective

    Cryptocurrencies have become one of the trendiest investment topics over the past few years.

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    Sector in Focus | Arbitrage Rebate Basics

    Take a look at the arbitrage rebate basics we think every issuer should be familiar with and understand.

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    InvestEd | Why Consider Asset-Backed Securities Now?

    For decades, investors have considered ABS to be a secure and profitable addition to fixed-income portfolios.

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    Q&A | How Endowments and Foundations Can Better Persevere in a Volatile Environment

    Our National Endowment & Foundation Practice discusses how to navigate the current market environment.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Strategy Session: Manager Selection

    Floyd Simpson discusses what goes into the manager selection process and why it is an important subject.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Structured Investments: Guaranteed Investment Contacts

    Chris Harris discusses the nuances of structured investments and Guaranteed Investment Contracts (or GICs).

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    Special Report | Federal Reserve Raises Rates by 75 Basis Points

    Earlier today the Federal Reserve announced that it will raise its benchmark federal funds rate by 0.75%; a move that was largely anticipated by market participants.

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    Q&A | Investing Bond Proceeds - Structured Investments and GICs

    Chris Harris discusses structured investments and guaranteed investment contracts (GICs).

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    Q&A | The Importance of the Manager Selection Process

    Floyd Simpson discusses what goes into the manager selection process and to understand why this is a truly important subject.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Spending Policies

    Today, we discuss the importance of building effective spending policies, and why your organization needs one.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Hot Topics in Today's Economy

    In this podcast Biagio Manieri, PFMAM’s Global Chief Multi-Asset Class Strategist, weighs in on several economic and geopolitical issues that are impacting the capital markets. 

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    Perspectives Podcast | All About Bond Proceeds

    We sat down with our Structured Products Director Chris Harris to discuss the investment of bond proceeds.

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    Perspectives Podcast | 2022 Capital Market Assumptions

    Join us as we discuss PFMAM's 2022 capital market assumptions. 

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    Perspectives | The Effects of Rising Interest Rates on Fixed Income Markets

    The consensus view is that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates throughout the coming year.

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    Perspectives Podcast | Tax Compliance for Bond Proceeds

    We discuss the basics of tax compliance and explore the link between tax and investment strategy for bond proceeds. 

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    Special Report | Investment Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

    While the humanitarian toll remains on the top of our minds, we must also consider the investment implications for our clients.

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    InvestEd | Spending Policy 2.0

    Decision-makers overseeing endowment or foundation funds must adopt an appropriate spending calculation method.

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    U.S. Bank completes acquisition of PFM Asset Management

    U.S. Bank announced that its subsidiary, U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. has closed on the agreement to purchase PFMAM.

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    InvestEd | Spending Policy Goals for Endowments & Foundations

    Developing and updating a spending policy is one of the most important actions that a board of trustees can take for its endowment or foundation fund.

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    InvestEd | Lessons Learned During the Pandemic

    This tumultuous period has naturally caused us to thoughtfully reflect on a few lessons as well as what we have seen played out among investors since early 2020. 

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    Q&A | Pulling Back the Curtain on Investing Bond Proceeds

    In the following Q&A session, Christopher Harris discusses PFM Asset Management’s strategy and views when it comes to investing bond proceeds.

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    Special Report | COVID-19 and the Arbitrage Requirements

    Many tax-exempt bond issuers are realizing the impact the pandemic has had on their projects, plans and budgets.

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    Special Report | What You Should Consider About Benefit Bonds

    The issue of funding an increasing pension liability is always top of mind for many trustees and state officials. 

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    InvestEd | Short Duration Strategies are Worth a Look

    The current environment caused many investors to ponder ways to generate positive returns, particularly those that operate in the world of fixed-income.

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    PFM Multi-Manager Funds Achieves 3-Year Track Record and Surpasses $2 Billion in AUM

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    InvestEd | Multi-Asset Class Minority Manager Investing

    The rise in ESG investing has driven an increased awareness of and interest in minority-owned investment firms.

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    Perspectives | An Introduction to Alternatives in Multi-Asset Class Portfolios

    Assets outside of traditional publicly-traded bonds and stocks, such as private equity and/or real assets, have come into focus.

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    InvestEd | Our Manager Research Process

    Manager research is an integral part of a broader portfolio management process. We explore the two aspects of manager research, which are manager selection and manager oversight.

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    InvestEd | Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Trends and Best Practices

    The ideas and steps outlined serve as a baseline to help institutional investors assess either their current or future OCIO provider.

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