Local Government Investment Pools (LGIPs)

In 1981, our professionals helped to create the first grassroots local government investment pool LGIP. Still administered by us, this LGIP now has close to 3,000 local government investors.

Today, PFM Asset Management serves as investment advisor and/or administrator to numerous statewide LGIPs throughout the country. Our mission is to provide solutions that cater to the unique needs of public sector entities. We offer comprehensive investment solutions for operating funds and bond proceeds with options ranging from fully liquid cash management to a fixed-rate, fixed-term investment.

We provide our statewide pools with tools and solutions to help them build membership. These include a dedicated website for each program, along with program documents, marketing information, and more. Investors are able to easily access account data through these dedicated websites.


Featured Article

Short Duration Strategies are Worth a Look

The current environment caused many investors to ponder ways to generate positive returns, particularly those that operate in the world of fixed-income.

Why work with PFMAM?

With more than 40 years of experience, we serve public sector, non-profit and other institutional clients. We combine national perspective with local connection to build tailored, flexible investment solutions across fixed income and multi-asset class strategies. Our focus is on liquidity management, investment-grade fixed income and outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) solutions. We look forward to working with you to develop bespoke solutions to your specific needs.
